Y20 Panel Discussion at IISM Campus

Youth 20 (Y20) is an official consultation forum for youth from all G20 member countries to have a word with each other. The Y20 Summit brings together young leaders from around the world on a platform to discuss and debate global concerns as well as agree on policy proposals for G20 leaders to consider.
Y20 supports young people to become future leaders by raising awareness of global issues, exchanging views, arguing, negotiating, and reaching an agreement. To encourage this, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) conducted two-panel discussions at the IISM campus on 29th May 2023, through its Regional Centre in Mumbai. The objective of the panel discussion was to reach out to a greater number of youngsters and provide a lively and energetic setting for the discussion.
The topic for the first-panel discussion was ‘Barriers to Pursue Sports as a Mainstream Career’ and the second topic was ‘Challenges in Sports Industry as a Career.’
The attendees for the event were panellists, the Founder Director and students of IISM, assistant directors of SAI RC Mumbai, guests, and sports enthusiasts. The objective of the event was to raise awareness about the barriers faced by aspiring athletes in pursuing a career in sports and to explore potential solutions to overcome these challenges. The event acted as a platform where the athletes and the online attendees could interact with the panellists and get expert opinions on how to enter the world of sports.
The event commenced with an opening address by Assistant Director of SAI RC Mumbai, Mr. Shrinivas Malekar, highlighting the significance of the topic and the goals of the event.
The panellists for the first discussion were Mr. Amol Muzumdar, Former Mumbai Cricket Team Captain, Mr. Gaurav Natekar, Indian Tennis Champion and Director of Natekar Sports and Fitness Pvt. Ltd. and Ms. Meghali Korgaonkar, Former Captain Indian Kabaddi Team. The moderator for both panel discussions was Mr. Pankaj Athawale. The panellists engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on the barriers to pursuing sports as a mainstream career. The panellists shared their experiences, insights, and recommendations on promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for athletes.
The panelists for the second discussion were Mr. Nilesh Kulkarni, Former Indian Cricketer and Founder Director of IISM, and Ms. Mugdha Bavare, Lead Sports Psychologist at Olympic Gold Quest and Founder Director of MindSports.
They talked at length about how they started their journey in the sports industry and how it has evolved since then. They also highlighted various barriers faced by athletes, including societal perceptions, the importance of mentorship, and creating a supportive ecosystem to nurture talent that enables athletes to thrive.
The panellists were kind enough to answer each and every question the audience asked them. They also answered the questions posed by the attendees who attended the discussion online. The athletes had the opportunity to seek clarifications from the panellists, fostering an interactive and engaging environment.
The event also gave the athletes a platform where they could share their personal experiences and challenges, allowing for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Following the panel discussion, participants had the chance to network with the panellists, promoting collaboration and the exchange of ideas.
The event successfully raised awareness about the barriers faced by athletes aspiring to pursue sports as a mainstream career. The attendees gained insights into the challenges and the importance of addressing them. The panel discussion facilitated the sharing of experiences, best practises, and recommendations for creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for athletes.
The event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. Attendees expressed their appreciation for the panellists’ expertise, the organisation of the event, and the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions. Several participants shared that they gained valuable insights and were inspired to take action in their respective spheres to promote sports as a viable career choice.
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