Sports Academia Research Journal (SARJ)
SARJ is India’s first ever Sports Research Journal initiated by the International Institute of Sports Management. SARJ is powered by the Inside Journal, an International Online Journal with 140+ editors, which provides a great platform for the researchers, academicians, sports fraternities, Sports experts as well as students around the globe to share knowledge in the form of high-quality research work in all the subjects and cover the fields of Sports. With this platform, worldwide research community across sports domain get opportunity to communicate and synchronize their research activities, leading to growth and application of research, technology and the new trend and so on in the domain.
SARJ is a quarterly publication journal, and the first volume of research work has been published in it. We would like to extend gratitude & congratulations to the members of SARJ’s editorial board- Prof. Ratnakar Shetty, Mr. Vinit Karnik, Mr. Amitava Pal, team IISM and to our students. At IISM, our continuous endeavour is to achieve excellence, and SARJ is one step towards it.
This is a QUARTERLY Publication Journal.
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