How to Crack SSAT Exam?

SSAT is conducted by IISM to identify potential aspirants, who are eager to learn more about how to better incorporate the learnings from science into the field of sports. It is a test that is conducted based on scientific domain knowledge and sports awareness. The candidates will be evaluated based on the agility of their minds to adapt to the changing dynamics of the sports science sector.

By |2024-12-10T04:55:57+00:00December 22, 2022|Blogs, Sports Science, SSAT|0 Comments

SSAT Exam – The Complete Guide

Sports Science is an upcoming topic that is gaining a lot of attention from athletes and sporting organisations. Sports Science deals with the study of physiology, motor control, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology and biochemistry of an athlete. These factors help improve the game of the athlete and also enhance their performance. Sports Science in a nutshell is to apply these scientific factors to various sporting activities.

By |2024-04-08T09:04:37+00:00October 7, 2022|Blogs, Sports Science, SSAT|0 Comments
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